
Letter to the provincial government regarding cuts to CADTH Information Services. (03/2024) See the government response.

Letter of support for South Central Regional Library. (05/2023)

Letter to the editor in support of staff at Winnipeg Public Library. (04/2023)

Letter to CMA regarding recently announced changes to Canadian Medical Association (CMA) programs and services. CHLA/ABSC with Support from SAHLA, OVHLA, THLA, SHLA, HLABC, NAHLA, MAHIP, and WWDHLN. (03/2023). MAHIP also wrote an individual letter of concern.

Letter in support of MUNFA members on strike. (01/2023)

Statement on the Importance of Hospital Libraries: A statement by CHLA/ABSC with support from MLA, ACMQ, CBPQ, HLABC, MAHIP, NAHLA, OVHLA, SHLA, SAHLA, and THLA.  (05/2021)